Evolved Guide at ITB Asia Singapore

Immersive comes to Asia! Come meet us virtually at ITB Asia in Singapore, from October 25 to 29. ITB Asia is the key B2B show in Asia in the field of tourism. Thousands of companies from Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and America participate in the fair. ITB Asia is a great opportunity to start professional conversations with other businesses and dive deep into the sector of interest. Immersive will join the fair virtually. Come talk to us and find out more about us, and our new booking platform Evolved Guide, which is about to be launched on the international and European market. Evolved Guide is the only booking of guides that allows you to book an authorized tour guide and go for a walking tour anywhere in the world. Keep following us to know where to find us and how to contact us. Immersive?s participation in the fair happens in collaboration with Regione Lazio. The team of Immersive would like to thank Regione Lazio for their support to internationalization, which happened through the Avviso Pubblico ?Incentivi all?acquisto di servizi di supporto all?internazionalizzazione in favore delle PMI ? Progetti di Internazionalizzazione? in the context of POR FESR LAZIO 2014 ? 2020.