Rome by night

The history of Rome is lost in the mists of time. An almost infinite timeline, which despite everything still seems to continue today, despite the centuries, despite the origins, the eras and the dynasties. They call it the “Eternal City”. Capital of antiquity and of the whole known world for more than four centuries, Rome is today a modern metropolis and capital of Italy. A large empire, surprisingly perfectly organized, an army feared by the whole world. Being Roman? A lifestyle, an attitude. It was at the height of its glory that Rome built its symbolic monuments, which are still intact today. The buildings of ancient Rome all have a colossal imprint, to manifest its power, its grandeur, its engineering. If its beauty and grandeur are clear and visible in daylight, you have no idea what is accessed at night. It is at sunset that Rome in all its splendor shows itself, so naked, stripped of all that is extra and superficial. It is under the starry sky that Rome presents its true face to anyone who wants to visit it. A Rome by Night Tour is perfect to say thanks to the emperors who made it majestic, and to the popes, who kept it fascinating and immortal. Thanks to this tour, accompanied by a local guide, you will have the opportunity to visit the beauties and wonders of Rome under the moonlight. The historic center and beyond will be waiting for you to experience an unforgettable journey. Rome enters the heart of anyone who has visited it at least once in their life and I am sure it will be the same with you.

What to see in Rome

The attractions that Rome has to offer are many and of great importance. Each one is testimony of a past that is still present between us and below we list some of them:

  • The Roman Forum, the center of Rome’s political, religious and commercial life;
  • The Colosseum, the oldest and largest amphitheater in the world used for gladiator yokes;
  • Piazza di Spagna, one of the most popular squares for tourists and home to the Spanish Embassy;
  • Piazza del Popolo;
  • Piazza Navona, the most beautiful Baroque square in Rome which houses two of the most beautiful fountains in the city, the work of Bernini.
  • The Pantheon, the temple dedicated to all the gods, as the name suggests;
  • Trevi Fountain, the most majestic fountain in Rome, made immortal by the famous film Roman Holiday and La dolce vita.
  • Castel Sant?Angelo, the ancient mausoleum of Hadrian later transformed by the popes into a fortress and a palace;
  • The Vatican, the grandiose Papal Basilica which is part of the Vatican State.

We could really continue to infinity. Museums, bridges, basilicas, gardens such as Villa Borghese, Villa Panfili, Villa Torlonia, the Orange Garden, from which you can see St. Peter’s in the distance, and then the Roman Catacombs, Palazzo Farnese, Palazzo Venezia. A week would not be enough to visit a city like Rome. In every street, glimpse, around every corner, there is something new and never seen before. Everything is to be studied, everything is to be looked at, everything is to be understood. But sometimes it is enough to put down the camera, remain silent, eyes fixed on the work and enjoy the moment, the instant, enjoy a breath, a canvas, a gesture, a look, sure to be living an unforgettable experience .